
November 15, 2012

DESRIST 2013 Conference

DESRIST 2013 conference will take place in Helsinki, Finland. Please check out the website,,, and

August 10, 2012

Design Science Research Survey

Are you an MIS academic conducting Design Science Research? We hope to gather data from the design science community regarding their opinions of the receptivity of journal outlets to design science research, as well as the career impact of publishing to journal outlets. Can you help us by filling out a 15 minute survey? Thank you. Take the DESRIST Survey here

June 30, 2012

DESRIST 2012 Proceedings Published

Design Science Research in IS: Advances in Theory and Practice
7th International Conference, DESRIST 2012 Proceedings
Peffers, Ken; Rothenberger, Marcus; Kuechler, Bill (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-642-29862-2

March 12, 2012

Amazon Listmania

Amazon Listmania "Books about Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology"
Please visit