
December 12, 2013

Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies (DESRIST) 2014 Conference

Call for Products and Prototypes: Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies (DESRIST) 2014 Conference

Location: Florida International University – Downtown (FIU), Miami, Florida, USA

Date: May 22-23, 2014

Theme: Advancing the Impact of Design Science: Moving from Theory to Practice

The Products & Prototypes Track is intended to showcase instantiations of innovative IT artifacts (i.e., constructs, models, methods). The track provides an opportunity to demonstrate and discuss emerging IT artifacts with researchers andpractitioners. Submissions for the Products & Prototypes Track should comprise the following sections in no more than 5 pages:
- Title page with information about the designers
- Design of the artifact (e.g., problem statement, use cases, intended user groups, list of features)
- Significance to research (e.g., innovativeness of the artifact)
- Significance to practice (e.g., usefulness of the artifact)
- Evaluation of the artifact (e.g., in laboratory or field settings)
- If available, screencast of or link to an implementation of the artifact

Accepted submission will be published in the DESRIST conference proceedings (Springer LNCS). For formatting guidelines please see paper submission guidelines.

Please submit products and prototypes directly to and

Submission deadline: March 1, 2014

For further information please visit: